Type Of Networks

Peer-to-Peer Network
peer-to-peer network has no dedicated servers; in lieu, a variety of workstations are connected together for the purpose of sharing information or devices. When there is no dedicated server, all workstations are thought about equal; any of them can participate as the client or the server. Peer-to-peer networks are designed to satisfy the networking needs of home networks or of small companies that do not need to spend lots of funds on a dedicated server but still need to have the capability to share information or devices. For example, a small accounting firm with employees that needs to access customer information from any of the systems or print to printer from any of the systems may not need to spend lots of funds on a dedicated server. A small peer-to-peer network will permit these computers to share the printer and the customer information with another. The additional cost of a server was not incurred because the existing client systems were networked together to generate the peer-to-peer network.Most of the modern operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows Vista already have built-in peer-to-peer networking capabilities, which is why building a peer-to-peer network would be a cheap network solution. The disadvantage of a peer-to-peer network is the dearth of centralized administration with peer-to-peer networks, you need to build user accounts and configure security on each system

Server-Based Networks

 A giant disadvantage of peer-to-peer networking is that you cant do your day-today administration in a single place. With peer-to-peer networking, user accounts usually are created on all the systems, and knowledge files are stored throughout all the systems. This leads to a more complicated surroundings and makes your job harder as a network administrator. Usually after or systems have been networked, the necessity for a dedicated server to store all of the user accounts and knowledge files becomes apparent this is a server-based network. The advantage of a server-based network is that the knowledge files that will be used by all of the users are stored on the server. This will help you by giving you a central point to set up permissions on the knowledge files, and it will give you a central point from which to back up all of the knowledge in case knowledge loss ought to occur. With a server-based network, the network server stores a list of users who may use network resources and usually holds the resources as well.

Internet, Intranet, and Extranet 
Internet, intranet, and extranet are terms that describe Internet-type applications that are used by an organization, but how do you know if a web application is part of your intranet or part of the Net?

Internet :- In case you need to expose information to everyone in the world, then you would build an Internet-type application. An Internet-type application makes use of Web protocols such as HTTP, FTP, or SMTP & is available to persons anywhere on the Web. They use the Web & web applications as ways to extend who the application can reach. For example, I no longer need to go to the bank to transfer money. cause the bank has built a web-site on the Web, I can do that from the comfort of my own residence.

Intranet :- An application is thought about to be on the company intranet if it is using Internet-type protocols such as HTTP or FTP but the application is obtainable only within the company. The information on a company intranet would not be obtainable to persons on the Net because it is not for public use. For example, a few years ago I was one time sitting with my banking officer going over my account & noticed that the bank had moved all of its customer account information to a website & that the banking officer was using a web browser to retrieve my account details. Although the application was being used by a web browser, it was still an internal application meant only for banking officers.

Extranet:- From time to time, an application that has been built for the company intranet & used by internal employees will need to be extended to select business partners or customers. In case you extend your intranet out to select business partners or customers, you have created an extranet. An extranet cannot be used by someone else outside to the company except for those selected individuals.

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